Obtaining a Night Rating is the next step in your pilot training after you have completed your Private Pilot License.

What is a Night Rating?
The Night Rating allows the pilot to fly safely at night in good visual weather conditions and have the benefit of being less restricted when planning and executing a particular flight.
For aviation purposes, night is defined as 15 minutes after sunset and 15 minutes before sunrise.
Night Rating Requirements
Valid Private Pilot Licence and Type/Class Rating
5 Takeoffs and landings by night
10 hours of instrument instruction of which not more than 2 hours are allowed to be accumulated on a flight simulator
Dual Cross-country by night consisting of at least three legs of not less than 50nm each

Why an Instrument Rating?
An Instrument Rating (IR) is a pilot rating earned through intensive training focused on flying solely by reference to instruments. . An excellent example is flying in clouds, fog or haze. It is arguably one of the most valuable ratings you can add to your pilot license.
The Instrument Rating is a vital component for both more advanced private and commercial flying opportunities. Accuracy standards and levels of the procedure are higher. Candidates are taught to deal with in-flight emergencies under instrument conditions.
Instrument Rating requirements
Candidates must have:
a valid Private or Commercial Pilot License
Hold a general radiotelephony operator’s certificate
A minimum of 50 hours of cross-country flight time as PIC of which not less than 10 hours shall be in an actual aircraft
The practical flying preparation consists of:
Minimum 40 hours instrument flying
20 hours in a simulator
20 hours in an aircraft
Practical flying skills test with a NCAA approved designated examiner
Theory: (The pass mark 75%):
Human performance
Radio aids
Navigation general & plotting
Air law and procedures
Flight planning
To hone skills and enhance later employment opportunities many pilots elect to undergo Instructor’s Ratings.

Why get an Instructor Rating
Getting an Instructor Rating is one of the gateways to a career in aviation.
After the programme, the candidate earns a Grade III Instructor Rating. As experience builds, the Rating progresses to Grade II and eventually Grade I.
If you enjoy flying in all its aspects both practical and theoretical and are someone who finds enjoyment in the process of learning and teaching, enjoys working with people from a variety of backgrounds and is committed to helping people succeed, then the Instructor Rating is just the thing for you!
Instructor Rating Requirements
Valid Commercial Pilot’s Licence
Minimum 80 hours of ground briefings & lectures
Minimum 30 hours of practical patter training
Once you have completed this phase you will complete two theoretical NCAA exams:
Applied Meteorology and Navigation
Principles of Flight and Legislation
Practical skills test in both lecturing and air exercises with an approved NCAA designated examiner

Swakopmund Flying School offers a number of different advanced ratings:
Multi Engine Rating
Turbine Rating
Game/Livestock cull Rating (H)
Sling Load Rating (H)